CONTRIBUTOR(S): Vetstream Ltd, Fear Free,
Surgery – pre- and post-operative care
Surgery – pre- and post-operative care
Most pets will have an operation at some stage in their life, eg for neutering (speying or castration) or to treat a disease. Nowadays most operations in cats and dogs are fairly safe but the success of treatment and recovery depends to some extent on the quality of care that the owner gives before and after the operation.
What do I do before the operation?
If the operation is not an emergency it may be useful for you to arrange some time off work so that you are around to take care of your pet during the recovery period. Your veterinarian may prescribe medications for you to give to your cat prior to arrival at the veterinary hospital. Please give any medications as directed by your vet and let them know if you have any trouble doing so. The risks of any complications during or after surgery have been much reduced by improvements in surgical techniques and in the safety of the anesthetics used. Since the stress of an operation can lower your pet’s resistance to infectious disease, check that your pet’s vaccinations are up-to-date before it has surgery. Vomiting is dangerous when your pet is under an anesthetic and to reduce the risk of this you will have been asked not to give your pet any food after a specified time by your veterinary team. Water should be freely available until the time you leave home.
What happens on the day of the operation?
Most veterinary clinics do their routine operations in the morning or early afternoon. Your veterinarian will ask you to take your pet to the surgery at a particular time. It is important not to be late so that there is time to prepare your pet for its anesthetic. A small patch of fur may be shaved from your pet’s leg so that your veterinarian can give intravenous injections or fit instruments to monitor your pet during the anesthetic. When you leave your pet you will be asked to sign a consent form stating that you know the purpose of the operation and agree to have it done.
When will my cat be able to come home?
When your pet is admitted for their operation, you will be asked to leave a telephone number where you can be contacted, you will usually be told a time when you can ring to check your pet’s progress. After routine operations most animals should be ready to come home within a few hours of waking up from anesthesia. Some animals take longer to come round and your vet will not allow the release of your pet until they are fully conscious. The veterinarian or veterinary nurse will tell you when your pet can be fed and watered, whether they will need any medication and when they will need to be brought back to have their stitches removed.
What should I do when I get my pet home?
Keep your pet warm on his journey home. At home your pet should be left in a warm, quiet room until he is fully recovered. Cats should be kept indoors (with access to a litter tray) and dogs should not be taken for a walk (they can be let out in the garden to relieve themselves) for at least 24 hours. Try to keep your pet quiet because any sudden movements may put a strain on the stitches. Ideally cats should be confined and dogs exercised on a lead until their stitches have been removed. Your veterinarian may prescribe pain killers, antibiotics or some other drugs to keep your pet comfortable and prevent infection. Many owners find it helpful to draw up a chart and tick off each dose when it is given so that nothing is forgotten.
Will my pet be unwell after the anesthetic?
It is quite common for an animal to appear ‘groggy’ for a few hours after a general anesthetic and it may sleep longer and more deeply than normal. Your pet may be a little unsteady on its feet at first. If your pet is hungry it may be given a small meal when you get home. Warming the food and feeding by hand may help to encourage your pet to eat if they have a poor appetite. Occasionally, your pet may feel sick and may vomit – if this happens give it plenty of water but do not feed it for 24 hours. A tube is put down your pet’s throat during the anesthetic to help it breathe and occasionally this irritates the windpipe and may cause it to cough for a few days.
What are the signs of more serious problems?
If your pet is still dull or moving unsteadily when it has been home for 24 hours you should call your veterinarian for advice. If the stitches have come out or the wound has split or there are any convulsions (fits), prolonged retching or vomiting or signs of swelling, discharges or bleeding from the operation wound contact your veterinarian immediately.
How do I stop my pet pulling its stitches out?
Most animals try to lick their wounds but they should eventually get used to having stitches. Wounds heal faster if they are kept clean and dry and left open to the air. Try to avoid bandaging wounds and always stop your pet if you see it licking its stitches. If your pet does try to remove his stitches your veterinarian may give you an Elizabethan collar to fit around their neck or other post-surgery protective gear to prevent them licking or scratching at the wound.