CONTRIBUTOR(S): Vetstream Ltd, Gigi Davidson, Fear Free,

Medication: Fluoxetine
Medication: Fluoxetine
Your cat has been prescribed fluoxetine for the treatment of separation anxiety or another behavioral problem such as inappropriate urination.
Key points:
• This medication must be prescribed in conjunction with behavior modification therapy.
• It may take several weeks of drug therapy before you see an improvement in your pet’s behavior.
• Your veterinarian may have prescribed a human drug containing Fluoxetine. Your veterinarian will explain the law relating to prescribing human drugs for use in animals.
• Use carefully, if at all, in cats with epilepsy or a history of seizures.
• Remains in the cat’s body system for up to 6 weeks, so caution should be taken with using certain drugs (listed below) during treatment and for up to 6 weeks after treatment has stopped.
• Safety for use in pregnant of lactating animals has not been established.
• Dosage: once daily as prescribed by your veterinarian.
This information sheet is designed to help answer commonly asked questions and help you give the medication safely and effectively to your pet. It does not contain all available information for this medication. If you have other questions or need more information, contact your veterinarian or pharmacist.
Always follow the dosing instructions provided by your veterinarian.
Name, Brand names, Class of medication and Storage
- Fluoxetine (floo-ox-eh-teen).
Brand name
- Reconcile (PRN Pharmacal US).
- There are no licensed veterinary products containing fluoxetine in the UK.
Class of medication
- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI).
- Used as an anti-depressant in people.
- Store at room temperature. If present, do not remove the desiccant packet from the bottle.
Why has my cat been prescribed fluoxetine?
Your veterinarian has prescribed fluoxetine for the treatment of separation anxiety or another behavioral issue. Your veterinarian will also advise you as to behavior modification strategies or may refer you to a feline behavior specialist for support.
Fluoxetine is licensed in the United States of America for treatment of canine separation anxiety. It is not licensed for treatment of other behavioral issues in the US and is not licensed at all for use in cats in the UK. It may be prescribed “off-license” to treat various behavioral issues in cats. Your vet will explain the off-license use of medications to you.
How is the medication given?
Fluoxetine is given orally (as tablets, capsules, or liquid). Liquid formulations are unpalatable to cats and may not be accepted by the cat. It is administered once daily. Your veterinarian will advise as to dosing. Tablets, capsules, or liquid can either be administered directly into your cat’s mouth or along with some food.
Are there any side-effects or drug interactions?
Based on data from the United States, where there is a licensed product containing fluoxetine, side-effects may include seizures, aggressive behavior, loss of balance, weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea and neurological signs. There is little data available to advise as to interactions with other drugs but use with the following drugs are contraindicated: selegiline and amitraz. These drugs should not be used for at least 6 weeks after treatment with fluoxetine has stopped. Speak to your veterinarian if you have any specific concerns.
Several ingredients used in flea and tick collars interact with fluoxetine. You should not use a flea/tick collar on your cat while it is receiving fluoxetine unless authorized by your veterinarian. You should tell your veterinarian if your cat has worn a flea/tick collar in the 2 weeks prior to starting fluoxetine.
How long will my cat need to receive this medication?
Fluoxetine tablets should be administered according to your veterinarian’s instructions. Your veterinarian may treat for up to 8 weeks and then reassess as to whether longer treatment is warranted.
How should I dispose of this medication if I don’t use it all?
Dispose of any unused fluoxetine safely – do not flush down the toilet or sink. Ask your veterinary team if they take back medication for disposal. Do not save fluoxetine for future use or give to other pets.
What if I miss a dose or give an extra dose?
If you miss a dose, give the dose as soon as possible but do not give a double dose. Make sure the dose given does not exceed the total recommended dose in any 24-hour period.
My cat is unwell, should I still give the drug?
If your pet is unwell, contact your veterinarian immediately for advice.
What should I do if this medication is accidentally given to another pet or taken by a human?
Fluoxetine should only be given to the cat that it has been prescribed for. If accidentally given to other pets, contact your veterinarian for advice.
If accidentally consumed by a human, speak to your primary care physician or poison control center.
Will my cat need to be monitored while on fluoxetine?
Your pet may need regular veterinary check-ups whilst on this medication.
Further information
If you have any concerns, further information on fluoxetine can be found on the package insert and the following websites:
Europe & UK
- There are no veterinary products containing Fluoxetine licensed for use in cats in the UK or Europe.
- PRN Pharmacal (US) Reconcile® (fluoxetine hydrochloride chewable tablets). Website:
Always follow the recommended dosage and contact your veterinary team or pharmacist if you have any questions regarding your cat’s medication.