Our network of partners allows us to confidently diagnose issues quickly and accurately. Our expert support in key areas we are able to remedy a much broader range of illnesses. We recommend you book an initial appointment with us, from there we will be able to identify where we may need support from our partners.
Namsen Animal Hospital
Namsen Dyrehospital is an outstanding team of veterinarians, animal nurses and clinic assistants. equipped with Computer tomography, ultrasound, endoscopy and extensive surgery expertise including orthopaedic surgery, this is our referral clinic of choice for any Patients who need advanced imaging or a type of surgery which Gratian Djurlinik cannot provide.
Claus Meyer Veterinary Practice
Dr Claus Meyer has earned multiple specialist accreditations for small animal veterinary dentistry and diseases of the throat, nose and ears of small animals. As well as this Claus Meyer is renowned for surgery of mouth, jaw, face, throat, nose and ears. Dr Meyer acts as an Expert for all dentistry questions arising at Gratian Djurklinik.
a team of veterinary specialists with European qualifications who support us with complex diagnoses and treatment choices. This enables even a small clinic like ours to provide advanced specialist medicine without you, the client, having to take your pet many miles away. A long-standing relationship that supports us with complex diagnosis, interpret lab results better and support us with our own diagnostic tools.

Working with many veterinarians throughout Europe and supporting us with the interpretation of x-rays.