EU Passport Regulations
This regulation also applies to trips to Norway and Finland. Dogs need an EU passport and a deworming against echinococci that must be witnessed by a veterinarian and be certified in the passport. The dog may only cross the border after 24 hours to 5 days after inspection by the veterinarian.

ID Marking and Registration
At Gratian Djurklinik, we help you to ID tag dogs, cats and horses. We perform marking with a microchip, which is the most common method in Sweden today. By law, dogs and cats must be ID-marked and be owner-registered with the Swedish Board of Agriculture before they are 4 months old.
ID Marking for Horses
We also use chip marking for ID marking of horses. This makes it easier to identify the horse when needed. At the same time, the International Equestrian Federation, FEI, requires that all horses competing internationally be chip marked. When registering, we also make contour diagrams and issue horse passes.