Independent Lab & Expertise
For most problems that require tests or surgery, our in-house laboratory, experience and expertise is here to ensure the fastest possible diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Common complaints, Progesterone tests, Thyroid diagnose, Epilepsy, Diabetes diagnosis and treatment control can all be managed from our in house specialist laboratory.
Surgery & Emergency
One of our greatest assets is the speed we can diagnose and treat our patients. Veterinary specialists from vet-ct telemedicine hospital are on hand to allow us to offer local expertise.

Trusted Care & Treatment
Emergency Care & Appointments
If you need emergency help and feel that you can not wait until we call back, it may be safer and better for your acutely ill animal that you visit another clinic. We may be busy elsewhere and have difficulty even being able to set up at the clinic, so do not wait too long before you seek care for your animal.